International Clinical Trials Day

“Advancing Healthcare in Ireland through Clinical Research”
This is an Archive page for ICTD 2024.
Thank you to all contributes and partners who helped to make the day a success.
International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD) celebrates the ongoing contributions of Clinical Trials and Investigations to medical science, highlighting their role in advancing healthcare and improving patient outcomes.
ICTD 2024, held at the fantastic O’Reilly Hall, UCD, brought together key national stakeholders from Government, HSE, National Regulatory & Ethics Agencies, Clinical Research Facilities/Centres, National Clinical Trial Networks, Pharmaceutical Companies, Clinical Research Organisations, Medtech Companies & Medical Device Innovators and Clinical Trial Researchers amongst others. This event was designed to showcase advancement in clinical research and trials in Ireland.
The full Programme for our ICTD 2024 conference can be found here.
International Clinical Trials Day

“Advancing Healthcare in Ireland through Clinical Research”
This is an Archive page for ICTD 2024.
Thank you to all contributes and partners who helped to make the day a success.
International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD) celebrates the ongoing contributions of Clinical Trials and Investigations to medical science, highlighting their role in advancing healthcare and improving patient outcomes.
ICTD 2024 brought together key national stakeholders from Government, HSE, National Regulatory & Ethics Agencies, Clinical Research Facilities/Centres, National Clinical Trial Networks, Pharmaceutical Companies, Clinical Research Organisations, Medtech Companies & Medical Device Innovators and Clinical Trial Researchers amongst others. This event was designed to showcase advancement in clinical research and trials in Ireland.
The full Programme for our ICTD 2024 conference can be found here.
Keynote Speaker
Lord James O’Shaughnessy was our keynote speaker.
A former Health minister, Lord O’Shaughnessy chaired a review of the UK clinical trial sector, authored the influential 2023 report on Commercial Clinical Trials in the UK, and brings a wealth of insight on the key ingredients of a high performance national clinical trial ecosystem.
Lord O’Shaughnessy shared many thoughtful and considered insights from his wealth of experience in the UK clinical trials sector, with many of the lessons learned being applicable to the Irish context.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Lord O’Shaughnessy for his insightful and illuminating keynote address.
A heartfelt thank you to all the distinguished speakers who contributed to ICTD 2024. Your insightful contributions, from keynote addresses to panel discussions, were instrumental in highlighting the significance of clinical research and innovation. Your invaluable expertise set the standard for future advancements in healthcare. Thank you for sharing your insights and knowledge, helping us to make this event such a resounding success.
Right: Select images of ICTD 2024 speakers.
ICTD 2023
The Key-Note address of ICTD 2023 was given by Dr. Marianne Pilgaard (CEO Trial Nation, Denmark) on the Clinical Research landscape in Denmark and what we in Ireland can learn from their successes.
Missed ICTD 2023?
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